Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy 8 Months Kobi!

On Saturday, our little guy turned 8 months old. So in celebration, we took him out to Golden Gardens for a nice walk around the beach since it was so nice in Seattle!

Kobi got scared walking on the docks.. it kept moving because of the water so he was pretty much walking and crawling at the same time. haha...

He spotted a crow so he had to get it.. too bad it was too far for him. :P

Our family shadow. :)

This would've been a perfect shadow of us if somebody's butt wasn't in the way.. mmhmm..

Birthday boy smile. :)


  1. Looks like a fun place to walk.

    The family shadow is a cute picture.

    I like your blog and hope to read it more.

    1. Aw thank you so much! I'll def continue to update as much as I can. :)
