Monday, January 2, 2012

Another day at the vet..

For the past 5 months that we've had Kobi. It seems like almost every month we've taken him to the vet either a quick check-up or most recently his neuturing surgery. We may be worrisome fur-parents but sometimes it's better to be cautious than not. So on NYE, we've discovered a white bump on Kobi's upper gum and at first glance, I panicked. But after hubby researched it, we may have a wart on our hands which made me calm down a little but not until we had our vet take a look at it.

This 'wart-like' bump is called Oral Papillomatosis. Oral papillomatosis is a contagious disease (it is not contagious to humans) caused by a virus that produces growths or warts in the mouth and or the tongue, lips, eyelids and nose. The growths appear about one month after the animal contracts the virus. Dogs under 4 years of age are most commonly affected. Eventually it will go away on it's own but can be a nuisance if there are more than one appearing over time.

So overall, the vet said it's nothing to worry about. Just have to wait till it goes away on it's own and fortunately it haven't appeared to be bothersome to Kobi at all. So we were relieved. Hopefully that little thing goes away or else we'll need to monitor Kobi 24/7 on who he licks and touch snouts with. -_-

Why am I here again...?

Don't let my smile fool you, I am NOT happy to be here..

Afterwards, we decided to take Kobi out to another dog-friendly outing since we were on the eastside area. Hubs looked up a place and found Luther Burbank park located in Mercer Island. It has an off-leash dog park area plus a nice park nearby Lake Washington to take a walk around. We kept Kobi on a 30ft leash so he can explore around but decided to skip the off-leash dog park. Maybe next time..

I wanna play with the other doggies too!

Oooo... another shiba!!

Why are you guys all the way back there..?

Me has the shiba zoomies.. and I am gone!

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