Friday, March 23, 2012

Kobi Outing: Bellingham, WA

Last weekend we drove up to Bellingham, WA which is up north towards Canada for us. It took around 2 hours to drive up there and pretty much the entire time on this mini road-trip, Kobi was sleeping. -_- Which in a way we are blessed to have him be such a good car dog because the moment he gets into the car, he pretty much sleeps.

I spy a sleepyhead...

Notice how he's sleeping on all of his toy buddies? ;)

Hanging out in the driver's seat while we are taking a bathroom break..

Got curious at the bronze statue of a little boy holding his hand out.. Kobi thought he had a treat in his hand and had to investigate. lol

Potty break for Kobi!

Here's Kobi while going to Costco on the way back... being silly by trying to take a nap on the steering wheel..he was one tired pup.

Time for a water break!

Back at home.. passed out. He was STILL sleeping. Silly Kobi.

Happy Friday everyone!! :)

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